Trailer for "Vengeance Turns: Volume One"
Behind The Scenes & On the Set

Star Paola Luelmo in a quiet momentl during a grueling day on a ranch in Malibu, posing next to Rebecca's grave.

Director of Photography and Co-Producer Mr David Ruano peeking into the camera during a set up.

Writer/Director Robert Christopher Smith posing between the gravemarkers he just set up.

Actor Adam Fried posing in his Covid-mask and his character's longjohn underwear before his character meets a bloody end.

Adam Fried (Michael Falcon), Sofia Chicorelli Serna (Emma Falcon), Aether Velarde (Edward Falcon), Paola Luelmo (Rebecca Falcon); In back Director Robert Christopher Smith

For such a grim, dark film, the actors and crew spent most of the shoot smiling, bonding over the experience.

Director of Photography Mr David Ruano with Actor Azeem Vecchio, minutes before shooting a scene as Simon Coletrain.

Aside from his other duties, Director Robert Christopher Smith also took on the task of making vegan wraps for star Paola Luelmo and several others on their first day of shooting in the "Old West Town". By all reports, they were delicious.
Make up artist Christine Serrano applies the scar to Paola Luelmo's forehead to get her ready as Mia in a big scene.

While Paola and Azeem were on horseback during filming, any time the horses are moving fast, we had our stunt riders step in.

Here we see Paola Luelmo switching places with her stunt rider.

This bloody bar of gold is foreshadowing for the very exciting conclusion of Volume Two.

We built a barn inside a warehouse over a flower shop in downtown Los Angeles.

Our shoot started in Lake Elsinore, CA.

In Lake Elsinore, Director Robert Christopher Smith directs Leo Comstock via his mother Kate Comstock (who plays Mrs. Coppersmith in Volume One) while Dior Harvey pays close attention.

Actor Nevin Millan does an amazing job of bringing his character "Ghost with Silent Knives Protects" to life, and has even contributed in development by co-writing a short comic story with Writer/Director Robert Christopher Smith.
Director Robert Christopher Smith, exhausted but exhilarated on the first day of shooting.
Director Robert Christopher Smith watching one of the very first scenes unfold.
Actress Kelsey Jaffer would wrap her arms each day to cover her tattoos but also providing a very distinctive look to her character, Delicate Poison.
Original Artwork

One of the first pieces of concept art, a self-drawn piece by Kelsey Jaffer of her character Delicate Poison.

Another very early sketch-- this one by indie comics superstar Kurt Belcher, who also illustrated the comic book sequel to the films "Vengeance Turns: Explosions of Truth".

This illustration by Kelsey Jaffer was originally posted during the live reading of the screenplay early during the Covid lockdown in 2020.

This image was on the very first T-Shirts ever produced, based on the original iconic image of co-writer Amanda Walsmith.

"Bloodsoaked Beauty" from artist Ken Meyer Jr was originally posted during the original release of the "Vengeance Turns Radio Show & Podcast".

This later piece of concept art by Kurt Belcher shows Mia with Bronson's eye from that infamous scene in now seen in Volume One.
This piece by Kelsy Jaffer shows Simon and Mia riding off into the distance while her locket hangs from her gravemarker.

Artist Kurt Belcher helped develop the concept of Mia's advanced second claw weapon from "Volume Two"

In this illustration by Kurt Belcher, Mia rips off Gomez's ear and shows it to him while Gloria and Delicate Poison stand sentry in the background.

"Vengeance Noir" is by Scottish born artist Rob Moran.

Using a screengrab from the audition video, Amanda Walsmith sent in, Mr David Ruano created this original iconic image which would remain in place all the way until hiring Actress Paola Luelmo.

The "Vengeance Turns Radio Show & Podcast was produced and edited by Robert Christopher Smith, utilizing the recordings from 4 weekly live readings from Smith and his friends early in the Covid lockdown in 2020.

On the first day Amanda Walsmith, Robert Christopher Smith and Mr David Ruano all got together to discuss the project, a whole lot of "proof of concept" pictures were taken using Amanda as the model. She was originally slated to play the lead character.

Kelsey Jaffer gives us a look at Rebecca directly following the attack that took her family.

Artist Sean Seal provided two variations on the first movie poster.

Artist Sean Seal provided two variations on the first movie poster, and this reflects the final design that was chosen.
CONTACT Robert Christopher Smith